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Link and Advertising exchange policy

NO Affiliation with Porn sites,Fake money Making and Referral and Warez sites.

NO kind of copied content shall be present on requesting site,if they have any,it must be used with proper permission and a link back to original article.

The sites must have a comparable or better Pagerank or Alexa rank .Or they must be having extraordinary good material or dedicated authors with some great original content.

Forum owners must have a forum with atleast 5000 members or a dedicated forum with unique and updated content.

As for a link exchange,please email me your Sites’s name,link,description,topics authored,current Alexa and Pagerank,estimated number of visitors per day,failing to deliver which I will not permit any kind of link exchange.

As for Advertisers,I have limited number of slots on my site which are available on monthly basis on negotiable charges per slot.As already stated No Advertising related to porn,referrals and warez sites shall be negotiated.

Your submission will be duly reviewed and then added,and you will be duly notified about it asap.
6:21 PM