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Make your PDF files to speak

make your PDF files to speak
here r the shortcuts for hearing PDF files in adobe reader 6.0 or higher

ctrl + shift + b ---->to hear the whole topic
ctrl +shift + v ---->to hear the page
4:54 PM

Auto Delete temporary folder

ll what i prefer is %temp% " without quotes.. at Start -> Run..
this opens your temp folder n den u cal erase it neatly// still try this one too..

First go into gpedit.msc
Next select -> Computer Configuration/Administrative Templates/Windows Components/Terminal Services/Temporary Folder
Then right click "Do Not Delete Temp Folder Upon Exit"
Go to properties and hit disable. Now next time Windows puts a temp file in that folder it will automatically delete it when its done! Note from Forum Admin: Remember, GPEDIT (Group Policy Editor) is only available in XP Pro.

4:52 PM

Notepad Trick

Well quite old but here is d complete collection

Step 1: Open Notepad
Step 2: Write following line in the notepad.
this app can break
Step 3: Save this file as xxx.txt
Step 4: Close the notepad.
Step 5: Open the file again.



1> Open Notepad
2> Enter four words separated by spaces, wherein the first word has 4 letters, the next two have three letters, and the last word has five letters
3> DON'T hit enter at the end of the line.
4> Save the file.
5> Close Notepad.
6> Reopen Notepad.
7> Open the file you just saved.


Open a note pad
type Bush hid the facts
save that file,
close it
again open and see...

log trick !! make your Notepad a diary ::

Sometimes we want to insert current data and time, whenever we open the file in the notepad. If you are a lazy person like me, who don’t like to press F5 whenever you open a notepad. Then here is a trick to avoid this. Just add a .LOG in the first line of your text file and close it.
Whenever you open the file with that text in the first line in the notepad, it will insert the current date and time at the end of the file. You can start entering your text after that.

4:45 PM

Speed up your Acrobat reader almost like notepad

Do u get irritated when acrobat reader takes 5/10 seconds to load when you want to open a pdf document. There is a way to speed up the loading.

1. Go to the installation folder of acrobat reader
(C:\program files\adobe\acrobat\reader\.. whatever)

2. Move all the files and folders from the "plugins" directory to the "Optional" directory. (I repeat.. cut and paste the files NOT copy & paste).

Also make sure that acrobat reader is not open else it will lock the files and not allow you to move the files).

Now your acrobat reader will load very fast
and almost as good as notepad..
4:45 PM

Shutdown Trick

Rapid shut down window
while shutting down window. open task manager(Ctr+Alt+Del),
Select shut down tab. and press ' Ctrl ' key while select Turn Off from dis tab.
Count 5 4 3 2 1 Voila!!! U r window will rapidly shut down.
4:41 PM

Changing FAT partition to NTFS

To change your File system from command prompt
type: convert c:/fs:ntfs(ex:'c' is the drive letter)
4:31 PM

Close Multiple Windows

If you just opened a number of separate, related windows (a folder inside a folder,
and so on), there's an easier way to close them all than one-at-a-time:
· Hold down the shift-key as you click the X caption button in the upper-right corner
of the last window opened. Doing so closes that window and all windows that came before it
4:30 PM

Easily Disable Messenger

Go into: C:/Program Files/Messenger. Rename the Messenger folder to "MessengerOFF".
Remove Messenger

 Go to Start/Run, and type: "rundll32 setupapi,InstallHinfSection BLC.Remove 128

4:27 PM

Easily Disable Messenger

Go into: C:/Program Files/Messenger. Rename the Messenger folder to "MessengerOFF".
Remove Messenger

· Go to Start/Run, and type: "rundll32 setupapi,InstallHinfSection BLC.Remove 128

4:27 PM

Make your folders invisible

                                                                  All Windows

1)Right Click on the desktop. Make a new folder
2)Now rename the folder with a space (U have to hold ALT key and type 0160).
3)Now u have a folder with out a name.
4)Right click on the folder>properties>customize. Click on change icon.
5)Scroll a bit, u should find some empty spaces, Click on any one of them.

click ok
4:26 PM

Turn your PC on in just 10 seconds

                                                                     All Windows
Aright so u want to know how to turn the pc on in 10 seconds (may vary)Aight heres what u have to do to turn ur pc on in 10 seconds

Aite Click on the start button then press R it will take u to Run well go to run
n type Regedit
press enter
this will open Registry Editor
now look for the key

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Content Index

now there find the Key Called
"Startup Delay"
Double Click On It
Now where its Base
Click Decimal
Now its Default Value Is 4800000 (75300:hexadecimal)
Change The Value To 40000
here u go u have done it
now close the Registry Editor and Restart Your Computer
4:24 PM

Great trick to lock your PC yourself

All Windows
lock ur pc.. open notepad copy and paste the script below and save it .VBS extention
This wil create a shortcut.. run(click) it

set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
set oShellLink = WshShell.CreateShortcut(wshShell.SpecialFolders("Desktop") & "\LockWorkstation.lnk")
oShellLink.TargetPath = "%windir%\system32\rundll32.exe"
oShellLink.Arguments = "user32.dll,LockWorkStation"

first select a folder for example i'll use a folder name movies in D drive D:\movies\

in the same drive u create a text file and type

ren movies movies.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}

and save it as loc.bat

again u type in a notepad as

ren movies.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D} movies

and save it as key.bat

now in D drive u can see two batch files loc and key.. when u double click loc the movie folder will change to control panel and whn u double click key the control panel will change to normal folder..

there are two more different tricks in dis site to lock ur pc down in a unique ways.. donno where i have typed it.. !!!

4:20 PM

Pop a banner each time Windows Boots

For All Windows
To pop a banner which can contain any message you want to display just before a user is going to log on, go to the key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WinLogon Now create a new string Value in the right pane named LegalNoticeCaption and enter the value that you want to see in the Menu Bar. Now create yet another new string value and name it: LegalNoticeText. Modify it and insert the message you want to display each time Windows boots. This can be effectively used to display the company's private policy each time the user logs on to his NT box. It's .reg file would be: REGEDIT4 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Winlogon] "LegalNoticeCaption"="Caption here."

4:18 PM

Shortcut to Restarting Xp

Windows XP               
You can restart a Windows XP Pro and Home machine easily by creating a shortcut with following path. (Assume you installed Windows XP on your C: Partition) "c:\windows\system32\shutdown.exe -r -f -t 00" -r is for restarting the computer. -f is to force close all programs without saving. -t 00 is used to restart in zero seconds. i.e. as soon as you D.Click on the shortcut. You can log off from a Windows XP Professional or Home edition by running "C:\windows\system32\shutdown.exe -l -f -t 00". Also you can shutdown a Windows XP Home or Professional edition by running "c:\windows\system32\shutdown.exe -s -f -t 00". You always have to turn from the CPU after running this command. (Same with AT and ATX powered machines.) If you want to turn down power of ATX machine automatically, run "c:\windows\system32\tsshutdn.exe 00 /POWERDOWN /DELAY:00" This is used to turn off a server. Even though your computer will be
shutdown completely, this whole operation will take 30 seconds to finish. Even though you don't have networked computers attached to your computer, this works.

4:08 PM