Are you worried about spam in your precious gmail account ?
If yes, then you would like to consider making aliases of your gmail id to use when you're not sure whether you're signing up for something safe or not.
It is a very simple task to provide an alias of your gmail id. Whenever you sign up on the internet on some site that you think may not be safe(or a site which might send you spam),all you have to do is give out the email address as
For example if your email id is,you can provide or .You can put anything after the + and all email sent will still go to your gmail account.
In the event that you did give your email to a spammer and you start receiving spam, don't worry! Just create a filter, and make everything that is sent to go to the trash. This way all the spam that you might get will automatically be deleted.
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Tips and Tricks about GMAIL
Gmail Tip #1: All About Labels
You can add a Label to a message in one of two ways:
If you are viewing a message listing, you can just click the checkbox next to the message, click on the "Apply label..." dropdown, and select the Label you want to apply. Gmail will display the Label just to the left of the message's Subject.
If you are viewing a message, just click on the "Apply label..." dropdown, and select the label you want to apply. Gmail will display the new label to the right of the Subject line.
OK, you assigned a Label to a message, but at a later time, you want to remove it. How do you do that? Just select the Label view from the Labels box on the left, "select" the specific message by clicking the checkbox next to the message, and then click on the "Remove label 'xxxx'" button at the top of the listing. Your label has now been removed!
Gmail Tip #2: How to Maintain 'Notes'
Some email providers provide a "Notes" function to let you maintain a list of notes. For example you might keep Web site links, random thoughts, etc. Gmail doesn't offer this feature, but by using some of Gmail's other features, you can set up a very nice, easy to maintain group of notes...
Here's what you do:
First, create a Contact with a Name of "Notes" and an Email Address of ""
Next, create a new Label called "Notes"
Finally, create a Filter to add the "Notes" Label any email addressed to "". Also, check the "Skip the Inbox (Archive it)" checkbox.
The effect is this:
When you email yourself from an email account other than your own Gmail account, address the email to "". When the message arrives in your Gmail account, it will automatically be archived into your "Notes" Label view, bypassing the Inbox. Nice and organized.
Gmail Tip #3: What Happens To Sent Messages?
When you "send" a message, two things happen to it:
it gets copied into your "All Mail" view, and
it is visible in the "Sent Mail" view.
Many email clients and Webmail services let you optionally delete all sent messages by default, but Gmail doesn't offer this feature. Here's why...
One of Gmail's intentions is to get you out of the "trash everything" mindset. This is one of the reasons why they offer 2GB of storage.
Gmail Tip #4: Advanced Search - View Multiple Labels
Gmail has some advanced searching capabilities that, if you take the time to learn, enables you drill down to very specific information.
If you want to search for all messages having a specific label, you can click on the "Show search options" link, click the "Search" dropdown, select the desired Lable, and click the "Search Mail" button.
But a shortcut is to type the Label prefixed with the "label:" query word in any simple search field at the top of any Gmail page:
If you want to view all messages that have selected multiple Labels, for example messages having both 'Label1' and 'Label2', enter the following into the simple search field at the top of any Gmail page:
label:Label1 label:Label2
To see all messages with either 'Label1' or 'Label2', you can enter:
label:Label1 OR label:Label2
Note: the specific label names are NOT case sensitive, but the "OR" operator is case sensitive, and must be in uppercase. The pipe operator ' ' can also be used in the same manner as 'OR'.
label:Label1 label:Label2
Gmail Tip #5: Advanced Search - 'Query Words'
One of Gmail's excellent features is its Search function.Searching can be as simple as entering a keyword or two into the Search field at the top of any page to very complex using Gmail's advanced "Query Words" to better constrain searches.
Clicking the "Show Search Options" link will open up a pane containing several entry fields and dropdowns. This lets you easily specify more detailed search criteria. For example, say you want to search for all email that is unread, regardless of under what Label it is filed. Simply click the "Search:" dropdown, select "Unread Mail" and click the "Search Mail" button. Gmail will display a list of all unread mesasges. Likewise, you can select specific Labels and you can enter specific terms. It's very powerful and useful.
Gmail also provides users the ability to prefix their search keywords with "query words" that instruct Gmail how to search. And there is no need to open the Search Options--these can be entered in the simple search window at the top of any page.
For example, say you want to search for messages containing attachments from your family sent before May 21, 2004? You would simply enter the following advanced search criteria:
label:family has:attachment before:2004/5/21
Yes, this could actually be done in the Search Options pane, but in addition to the available search criteria fields, query words not only let you search using criteria not included in the Search Options pane, (like "cc:" and "bcc:") but you can do "compound" searches otherwise not available in the Search Options pane. For example:
label:doctors label:statements has:attachment before:2004/5/21 in:anywhere
would return all messages with both Labels of "Doctors" and "Statements" containing attachments, sent before May 21, 2004, existing anywhere in my account including the Trash and Spam views.
It's pretty powerful, and fairly intuitive once you get the hang of it.
For more information, you should check the direct link to Gmail's "How do I use advanced search?" help page found [here] (You may need to be logged into your Gmail account to access this page.)
Gmail Tip #6: 'Official' Features and Bugs Status Page
Want to know what features and bugs the Gmail developers are currently working on? Read on to learn how to access Gmail's new "Features, Fixes, & Feedback" page...
First, log into your Gmail account. You must be logged into your account to access the help screens. Next, click on the "Help" link located at the top of any Gmail page. Next, click on the "Send Feedback" link on the left column. You'll be taken to a page detailing features Gmail is working on and bugs being squashed!
More Trixs enjoys
Gmail Tip #7: Find Your Unread Messages
Want a quick and easy way to view all of your "Unread" messages? If you have assigned Labels and archived unread messages, finding them later can sometines be challenging. Simply create a Gmail Label named "Unread", and you will see all of your unread mail in that folder. Though there are other ways to display unread messages, the nice thing about this method is that it displays the number of unread messages right in the Label list.
Gmail Tip #8: Creating a Pseudo Address Group!
Although Gmail doesn't currently support Groups in your Contacts, you can simulate a Group list by doing the following:
Create a new Contact
In the "Name" field, enter the name of your Group (eg "My Friends")
In the "E-mail" field, enter your list of email addresses in the following format
Gmail Tip #9: Improved and New Contacts Features!
The "Contacts" function has been enhanced to provide some additional functionality, and now adopts the familiar Gmail interface.
Gmail now displays a "Contacts" link in the left column under the "standard views" (Inbox, Starred, etc.) and just above the Labels. Clicking on the link brings up a nicely formatted display that matches the style of the rest og GMail. It displays the contact name, email address, Note, and any additional information (see below). At the top are two "tabs" that display "Frequently Mailed" and "All Contacts". I don't know what the criteria for "Frequently Mailed" is, but it does contain the most-used contacts.
Here are some new or expanded features:
Clicking on a contact displays the contact information as well as "Recent Conversations" associated with that contact. Clicking on one of these entries opens it normally with all options available. Very nice.
Clicking on "Edit" allows you to update the basic contact information (Names, Email Address, Note). But there's a new link: "Add More Contact Info" which lets you add additional "Sections" of information. For example, by default there are "Personal" and "Work" sections defined. Each section contains a Section Name field, Two user-selectable "fields" and an "Address" block. Each User Field has a drop-down label containing the following selectable labels: Phone, Mobile, FAX, Pager, Email, IM, Company, Title, Other. You can also add additional fields as needed.
Near the top of the Contacts screen is a Search field and a "Search Contacts" button. Entering text into this field and clicking the button returns all contacts that BEGINS WITH the text. This is important to know because it will search ALL contact fields (even the :extended fields) for words beginning with the entered text. For example, entering "Ste" would return "Stephanie", "Steve", and "Stewart" but entering "phani" would not return "Stephanie". Obviously, it would be nice to have extended search capabilities, but this is an excellent start!
Gmail Tip #10: Auto-forward received Gmail!
Want to use your Gmail account as your main email account but have some or all email auto-forwarded to other email accounts? Well, now you can!
Gmail has added tha ability to forward received emails in two ways: "All" or "Selective"
This is a "global" setting that lets you optionally forward all received email to another email address. Click on the "Settings" link, and click on the new "Forwarding" tab. In there, you have the option do Disable or Enable email forwarding. Click on Enable, enter the email address to which you want to forward, and then select one of the following self-explanatory actions from the associated dropdown:
-keep Gmail's copy in the Inbox
-archive Gmail's copy
-trash Gmail's copy
This setting will forward all received email to another email address and take the appropriate action on the received email.
Filters have also been enhanced with a new "Forward it to: emailaddress" action letting you selectivly forward emails based on filter criteria. You can use the same or different email addresss for each filter if you choose providing very powerful email management. For example, I may get statement notifications from a bank and want to auto-copy it to my wife. I just set up a filter to select emails with the bank's sending email address and then select the "Forward it to:" action and enter my wife's email address. Now, she'll get notified also!
Gmail Tip #11: Google Gmail Minibrowser
"The Google Deskbar includes a minibrowser that you can use to quickly open your Gmail account in convenient window that automatically hides and can be accessed with a keyboard shortcut. Read on for more information about this tool...
The Google Deskbar is a little Google search tool for Windows taskbar. It can do most of the Google searches using shortcut keys too. (See the link for a picture.) It also include Google's "Minibrowser" which is fast and cute. If you press Ctrl-Alt-G—by default, you can turn it off—you'll go right to the bar. Typing a search, by default, will open in the mini browser—again you can turn it off if you want or have it use your default browser (Firefox, etc).
So here's the tip: Go to Options > Customized Searches > Add. Name it "Gmail" and put in the url: For the shortcut I used Ctrl M. So if I press Ctrl alt G, then Ctrl M, instant GMail window in the Google Minibrowser! Awesome.
(Google Desktop isn't included in the default searches either. (Yet!) But you can also add it in the customize dialogue to search your desktop just as easily. Since the minibrowser vanishes automatically it's tres convenient to find a file!)