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Google Talk Tricks

Google Talk Tricks

Some people say Google Talk is nice because of its minimalistic design, but they coudn't use an Instant Messenger that doesn't have smileys and font customization. Here are some tips that will make your work with Google Talk better.

Keyboard shortcuts

* CTRL + Mousewheel up/down: Change the font size in a conversation window.
* CTRL + E: Center text
* CTRL + R: Right justify text
* CTRL + L or CTRL+J: Left justify text
* F9: Open Gmail to send an email to the person you talk to
* F11: Start a call
* F12: Stop the current call
* ESC: Close the current window


* Some smileys are converted by Google Talk: :-| :-O :-x :-P :-D ;-) :-( :-) B-) :'( :| :O :x :P :D :) :( :)
* To write bold text, type *your gtalk message*
* To write italic text, type _your gtalk message_

Startup parameters (go to Start/Run and type "c:\Program Files\Google\Google Talk\googletalk.exe" /one_parameter_from_the_list_below)

* /nomutex: allows you to open more than one instance of Google Talk.
* /register: write Google Talk settings in the registry.
* /checkupdate: check for new version.
* /factoryreset: revert to default settings.
* /mailto send an email with Gmail.
* /diag: start Google Talk in diagnostic mode.

Hacking Gmail


The first book to unlock the true power behind Gmail, Hacking Gmail will immediately appeal to Google and Gmail fans This is serious, down-and-dirty, under-the-hood, code-level hacking that will have readers eliminating the default settings, customizing appearance, disabling advertising, and taking control over their Gmail accounts Covers turning Gmail into an online hard drive for backing up files, using it as a blogging tool, and even creating customized Gmail tools and hacks Shows readers how to check their Gmail without visiting the site; use Gmail APIs in Perl, Python, PHP, and other languages, or create their own; and maximize Gmail as a host for message boards, photo galleries, even a blog.

LANG : English
PAGE : 310
Download Size 2.74 MB

This file is password protected. Request me for password through comment

3:33 PM

Remove Brontok Virus Urself

Start ur computer in safe mode with command prompt and type the followinf command to enable registry editor:-

reg delete HKCU\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\policies\system /v "DisableRegistryTools"
and run HKLM\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\policies\system /v "DisableRegistryTools"

after this ur registry editor is enable
type explorer
go to run and type regedit
then follow the following path :-

on the right side delete the entries which contain 'Brontok' and 'Tok-' words.

after that restart ur system
open registry editor and follow the path to enable folder option in tools menu

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Currentversion\Policies\Explorer\ 'NoFolderOption'
delete this entry and restart ur computer

and search *.exe files in all drives (search in hidden files also)
remove all files which are display likes as folder icon.
7:31 PM

Shutdown Your PC in 3seconds

You can shutdown your computer within 3seconds.. yes it is possible.. simple trick
follow the steps: Ctrl+Alt+Del. It opens task manager.

2.Go to shutdown Tab.

3.Now Press and HOLD Ctrl key and then click TURN OFF option.

7:05 PM

Change the Windows XP Start Button

First you need to download a program called Resource Hacker.
We will need it because we will be editing and compiling explorer.exe which is a binary file within Windows. Here’s a brief description from their site:
Resource HackerTM is a freeware utility to view, modify, rename, add, delete and extract resources in 32bit Windows executables and resource files (*.res). It incorporates an internal resource script compiler and decompiler and works on Win95, Win98, WinME, WinNT, Win2000 and WinXP operating systems.
Backup explorer.exe
First things first, lets make a backup copy of the original explorer.exe file. We need to navigate to you Windows installation directory, type (Windows Key+R), then:
Look for the file explorer.exe, it might make it easier to find if you sort the window by file type (click the “Type” label near the top of the window).

Make a copy of this file and place it in a safe place, like your desktop.
Edit explorer.exe
Run Resource Hacker and open the original explorer.exe file (File -> Open -> c:\windows\explorer.exe). Click on “String Table” and expand by clicking the plus sign. Then, expand folder 37 (38 if you are using the Classic Windows theme) and highlight 1033.

In the right windows, highlight “start” and change it with any words that you like, e.i. Begin. Make sure you type the words between the quotes leaving the quotes in place!!.
Now compile the script by clicking on Compile Script button.

Now save the file with a new name (File -> Save As). Name it something like newexplorer.exe. Save it in C:\Windows.
Editing The Registry
Now we need to modify the registry. Run Registry Editor (START-RUN-regedit-OK). Now navigate to:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon

In the right panel, double click “Shell”. In Value data field, type the name of the modified explorer.exe (newexplorer.exe) and click Ok.
Close Registry Editor and logoff or restart your computer. If everything works fine, your Start button will be changed! SEE VIDEO TUTORIAL
6:47 PM

Chat With Command Prompt

If you want a private chat with a friend or client on you Network, you don't need to download any fancy program!
All you need is your friends IP address and Command Prompt.
Firstly, open Notepad and enter:

@echo off
set /p n=User:
set /p m=Message:
net send %n% %m%
Goto A

Now save this as "Messenger.bat". Open the .bat file and in Command Prompt you should see:


After "User" type the IP address of the computer you want to contact.
After this, you should see this:
Now type in the message you wish to send.
Before you press "Enter" it should look like this:

Message: Hi

Now all you need to do is press "Enter", and start chatting!
6:47 PM

create a shutdown/restart shortcut on your desktop !

Instead of going all the way, clicking Start>Turn Off Computer and
selecting Shutdown or Restart, create their icons on your desktop :

create a SHUTDOWN ICON like this :
Right click on an empty area on your desktop.
Select New>Shortcut.
In the first box of the Create Shortcut Wizard, type : Shutdown -s -t 00
Click Next.
Name the shortcut : Shutdown , and click Finish.
Then select an appropriate icon for it !

Similarly create a RESTART icon but follow the folowing step instead :

In the first box of the Create Shortcut Wizard, type : Shutdown -r -t 00
Click Next.
Name the shortcut : Restart , and click Finish.
6:46 PM

create a shutdown/restart shortcut on your desktop !

Instead of going all the way, clicking Start>Turn Off Computer and
selecting Shutdown or Restart, create their icons on your desktop :

create a SHUTDOWN ICON like this :
Right click on an empty area on your desktop.
Select New>Shortcut.
In the first box of the Create Shortcut Wizard, type : Shutdown -s -t 00
Click Next.
Name the shortcut : Shutdown , and click Finish.
Then select an appropriate icon for it !

Similarly create a RESTART icon but follow the folowing step instead :

In the first box of the Create Shortcut Wizard, type : Shutdown -r -t 00
Click Next.
Name the shortcut : Restart , and click Finish.
6:46 PM

Hacking Windows XP Password

1. Restart you computer

2.When booting, press F8 and select "Safe Mode"

3.After getting to the user menu. Click on a user and
this time it will not ask you for a password

4.Go to Start>Run and type "CMD" (without the quotes).

5.At command prompt type in "cd C:Windows\System32"
(without the quotes), I am assuming C is your System/Windows Drive

6.For safety purposes first make a backup of your Logon.Scr file..
You can do this by typing in "Copy to Logon.scr to Logon.bak" (without the quotes)

7.Then type "copy CMD.EXE Logon.scr"(without the quotes)

8.Then type this command, I will assume that you want to set Administrator's password
to "MyNewPass" (without the quotes)

9.Now, type this in (I am assuming that you are still in the directory C:WindowsSystem32) ,
"net user administrator MyNewPass" without the quotes

10. You will get a message saying that it was successful, this means Administrator's new password is "MyNewPass" (without the quotes)

11. Restart the PC and you will login as Administrator (or whatever you chose to reset) with your chosen password
6:40 PM

Change your PC to morning alarm

Now this is specially for the ones who are too lazy to get up even when the trust cellphone dies screeching its lungs out.
Its pretty simple

Creating the playlist
create a playlist of your favourite songs in Winamp, WMP or any other player. Export the playlist as a M3U playlist. M3U is generally accepted by almost every player.

Triggering the alarm
point to start> programs >accessories > system tools >scheduled tasks
Create a new task and choose program as windows media player or winamp (May work with others too but I haven't tried anything else)
Choose "daily", Enter the time and choose "every day" at next screen.
It would now ask for password (leave blank in case you don't have one)
Right click on the newly created task and check the "run only if logged in" check box. In the properties. Append the path to the playlist you created in the "run" text box. "D:\windows media player\wmplayer.exe" K:\Playlists\smoothies.m3u
It should now look like the text inside quotes is my WMP's path. It may vary for you. The text after WMP's path is the one to the playlist.
Click OK and you're done.
6:22 PM