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Google Search Tricks

Search Google For Rapidshare Links

If you wanna find some applications, files etc on via google, do the following.
Paste this into the google search box (not the address bar):
site: -filetype: zip OR rar daterange: 2453402-2453412
* this searches the site for any file that has extension .rar or .zip, andhas been indexed between 1-11 February.

try this one:-
dvd site: -filetype: zip OR rar daterange: 2453402-2453412
* this is the same search but it specifically searches for "dvd" with the same
search criteria, so any application posted with the word dvd in it will be found.

There are mainly three criteria to keep in mind when doing this search.

1. site: your site of choice to search

2. filetype: filetypes you want to search,if you put a "OR" after the first
filetype you can add more.

3. daterange: (start date-end date)
* this uses the "Julian calendar", converter can be found here:

Search Google For Ebook Server

As you know is the most popular search engine in the world.
Here are some tips to helps you find eBooks with Google:
Find Apache's (default) Index page
Try this query:
+("index of") +("/ebooks"|"/book") +(chm|pdf|zip|rar) +apache

Find a particular eBook file:
Try this query:
allinurl: +(rar|chm|zip|pdf|tgz) hacking

Find Everything uploaded on Rapidshare

Try this search strings in the address bar of your browser. Use your gray cells and play with more combinations of extensions.

All Downloads:*

Apps Downloads:

Movies Downloads:

Utilizing search engines

So much information is on the web, its mind boggling. Thankfully we have search
engines to sift through them and catagorize them for us. Unfortunatly, there is still so
much info that even with these search engines, its often a painstakingly slow process
(something comparable to death for a hacker) to find exactly what you're looking for.

Lets get right into it.
I use as my primary search engine because it presently tops the charts as far as
the sites that it indexes which means more pertinent info per search.

1. Page translation.
Just because someone speaks another language doesn't mean they dont have anything useful to say. I use translation tools like the ones found at
to translate a few key words I am searching for. Be specific and creative because these tools arent the most accurate things on the planet.

2. Directories.
These days everything is about $$$. We have to deal/w SEO (search engine optimization) which seems like a good idea on paper until you do a search for toys and get 5 pornsites in the first 10 results. Using a sites directory will eliminate that. You can narrow your search down easily by looking for the info in specific catagories. (PS google DOES have directories, they're at:

3. Here are some tips that google refers to as "advanced"
A. "xxxx" / will look for the exact phrase. (google isnt case sensitive)
B. -x / will search for something excluding a certain term
C. filetype:xxx / searches for a particular file extention (exe, mp3, etc)
D. -filetype:xxx / excludes a particular file extention
E. allinurl:x / term in the url
F. allintext:x / terms in the text of the page
G. allintitle:x / terms in the html title of that page
H. allinanchor:x / terms in the links

4. OR
Self explanatory, one or the other... (ie: binder OR joiner)

5. ~X
Synonyms/similar terms (in case you can't think of any yourself)

6. Numbers in a range.
Lets say you're looking for an mp3 player but only want to spend up to $90. Why swim through all the others? MP3 player $0..$90 The 2 periods will set a numeric range to search between. This also works with dates, weights, etc

7. +
Ever type in a search and see something like this:
"The following words are very common and were not included in your search:"
Well, what if those common words are important in your search? You can force google to search through even the common terms by putting a + in front of the denied word.

8. Preferences
It amazes me when I use other peoples PCs that they dont have their google search preferences saved. When you use google as much as I do, who can afford to not have preferences? They're located on the right of the search box, and have several options, though I only find 2 applicable for myself...
A. Open results in new browser
B. Display 10-100 results per page. (I currently use 50 per page, but thats a resolution preference, and 5X's the default)

9. *
Wildcard searches. Great when applied to a previously mentioned method. If you only know the name of a prog, or are looking for ALL of a particular file (ie. you're DLing tunes) something like *.mp3 would list every mp3.

10. Ever see this?
"In order to show you the most relevant results, we have omitted some entries very similar to the X already displayed. If you like, you can repeat the search with the omitted results included." The answer is YES. yes yes yes. Did I mention yes? I meant to.

Use the engine to its fullest. If you dont find your answer in the web section, try the group section. Hell, try a whole different search engine. Dont limit yourself, because sometimes engines seem to intentionally leave results out.
ex. use google, yahoo, and altavista. search the same terms... pretty close, right? Now search for disney death. Funny, altavista has plenty of disney, but no death...hmmm.

If you've read this far into this tutorial without saying, "Great, a guy that copied a few google help pages and thinks its useful info" then I will show you WHY (besides accuracy, speed, and consistancy finding info on ANYTHING) its nice to know how a search engine works. You combine it/w your knowledge of other protocol.

Want free music? Free games? Free software? Free movies? God bless FTP! Try this search:
intitle:"Index of music" "rolling stones" mp3
Substitute rolling stones/w your favorite band. No? Try the song name, or another file format. Play with it. Assuming SOMEONE made an FTP and uploaded it, you'll find it.

For example....I wanted to find some Sepultura. If you never heard them before, they're a Brazilian heavy metal band that kicks ass. I started with this:
intitle:"Index of music" "Sepultura" mp3 <-- nothing
intitle:"Index of música" "Sepultura" mp3 <-- nothing
intitle:"Index of musica" "Sepultura" mp3 <-- not good enough
intitle:"Index of music" "Sepultura" * <-- found great stuff, but not enough Sepultura

At this point it occurs to me that I may be missing something, so I try:
intitle:"index of *" "sepultura" mp3 <-- BANG!
(and thats without searching for spelling errors)
Also try inurl:ftp

I find that * works better for me than trying to guess other peoples mis-spellings.

The same method applies for ebooks, games, movies, SW, anything that may be on an FTP site.

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial, and I saw that recently a book and an article was written on the very same topic. I havn't read them as of yet, but check em out, and get back to me if you feel I missed something important and should include anything else.
intitle:"index of" "google hacks" ebook

Search a specific site

Imagine that when you enter any web site, and you are surprised that when searching for any program in it you can not find it. By this fabulous trick, you can find the link for downloading any program in this site through any search engine.

For example, suppose you want to search for the program "Norton" in the web site ; when you go to and write the following code, you will be surprised that the "Google" search engine searches only in the site To do this:

Write in the address bar of the web browser this address:
When opening the web site; write in the search engine this code: "norton site:", and press the button search.
As mentioned earlier: the code is easy, you just write in the place of the word "Norton"; any word you need to search for in the site followed in the code.
The code again is....

By the way, you can practice this code at any search engine.
Another trick is that you can force the search engine of the "Google" web site to search for a certain category like "Linux" topics. When you add any category after the Google link and write any thing in the search engine, you will surprised that the site searched for Linux only. For example, if you wrote the following code:
As I mentioned in the code earlier, the site followed by the word "Linux". So the web site is forced for searching for the Linux topics only all over the internet.

Google Crack Search

just type crack: app name
example: crack: flashget 1.6a;amp;ie=UTF-8&q=crack%3A+flashget+1.6a

Happy cracking!!!!!!

Google secrets

method 1
put this string in google search:
"parent directory " /appz/ -xxx -html -htm -php -shtml -opendivx -md5 -md5sums
"parent directory " DVDRip -xxx -html -htm -php -shtml -opendivx -md5 -md5sums
"parent directory "Xvid -xxx -html -htm -php -shtml -opendivx -md5 -md5sums
"parent directory " Gamez -xxx -html -htm -php -shtml -opendivx -md5 -md5sums
"parent directory " MP3 -xxx -html -htm -php -shtml -opendivx -md5 -md5sums
"parent directory " Name of Singer or album -xxx -html -htm -php -shtml -opendivx -md5 -md5sums

Notice that i am only changing the word after the parent directory, change it to what you want and you will get a lot of stuff.


method 2
put this string in google search:
?intitle:index.of? mp3

You only need add the name of the song/artist/singer.
Example: ?intitle:index.of? mp3 jackson

If you wanna find some apps, files etc on via google, do the following.
Paste this into the google search window (not the adress bar): -filetype:zip OR rar daterange:2453402-2453412

* this searches the site for any file that is rar or zip, and
has been indexed between 1-11 February.

dvd -filetype:zip OR rar daterange:2453402-2453412

* this is the same search but it specifically searches for "dvd" with the same
search criteria, so any app posted with the word dvd in it will be found.

There are mainly three criteria to keep in mind when doing this search.

1. site: your site of choice to search

2. filetype: filetypes you wanna search,if you put a "OR" after the first
filetype you can add more.

3. daterange: (start date-enddate)

* this uses the "julian calendar", converter can be found here:


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